Thank you for making Lazyland your home! This page includes information that may be helpful to current Lazyland residents. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or stop by the Management Office.
Community Rules & Regulations
Our Rules and Regulations are in effect to ensure a safe and pleasant community for our residents and guests. We ask that all residents and guests adhere to these standards at all times. Questions about the rules can be directed to the Management Office.
Additional information and disclosures for owners of manufactured homes in the community are available in our prospectus.
Community Map
![Community map showing lot layouts and locations of amenities.](https://i0.wp.com/www.lazylandfl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/CommunityMap.png?resize=618%2C712&ssl=1)
Utilities & Services
Electrical service is available through Lake Worth Beach Utilities.
Each lot has a separately metered municipal water supply. When you move in, we will help you establish your water service billing account.
Additionally, the park is equipped with a well for irrigation and outdoor water use. Ask our management staff to help you locate the nearest well-water outlet for your outdoor watering needs.
Garbage & Waste Removal
Curbside garbage pickup is available every Tuesday and Friday. Large items or bulk trash materials that do not fit within the rolling trash container will not be collected during curbside pickup. These items must be taken to the dumpster. Contact a property manager if you have questions about garbage and waste removal.
Cable, Satellite, & High-Speed Internet
To arrange for cable or satellite television service, residents must contact the provider directly. Comcast provides cable television service in our area. Additionally, DirecTV, and Dish provide satellite television service.
There are numerous providers for high-speed internet. This service can be arranged through Comcast, AT&T, and many other companies.
Additional Info & Resources
City Changes Its Name
The City of Lake Worth recently announced that it is formally changing the city’s name to “Lake Worth Beach.” Residents should update their mailing address information when it’s convenient. But, don’t worry, mail addressed to Lake Worth will still be delivered.